Saturday, August 25, 2007

Two Sisters...

I did a five minute photo shoot with two of the sweetest sisters this afternoon. I take their pictures pretty regularly, and they get cuter every time!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Don't you just love all those freckles?
Not to mention the "holes" in his smile...I just love it!

Monday, August 20, 2007

My Email has been DOWN!!!

My email has been down the entire time my new site has been up. If you've sent me an email, I'm not ignoring you, I never got it! The problem has been repaired and I am getting my emial now. Please email me, or call me if you haven't heard from me.
Sorry for the inconvenience~

Saturday, August 18, 2007

I'm back!

I'm back from my vacation! We had a wonderful time. Here are a few pics of some of the wonderful scenery we saw up in North Carolina...

We even got to see some of the elk that have been introduced back into the area. It was the first time we had ever seen an elk in person...

There were beautiful wildflowers growing along the roadsides...

We even stopped along side the Blue Ridge Parkway and picked some wild blue berries and made them into a cobbler for dessert. They were VERY good...

We had a nice warm campfire for the cool NC nights (in the 50's!!!! )

And what kind of photographer would I be if I didn't try something new?? My dear hubby "painted" his name with a flashlight while I took a 30 second exposure with my camera. I thought it was pretty cool!

We had lots of fun, but it's good to be home...


Thursday, August 9, 2007

Technical Difficulties...

I am experiencing some technicial difficulties with my online ordering system (the one on the new site). The system is supposed to send me an email telling me what was ordered, but it is not doing it consistently. If you make an order, could you please send me an email? I don't want anyone think I'm ignoring them! I have notified technical support and they are working on it, but I won't know if it is working properly until I get back from my vacation. Thanks for your patience while I transition to the new system.

Ok, I lied...

I had the honor of photographing this precious little one this morning. Mr. B is a last minute work in before I head off on my vacation. I'm so glad I was able to photograph him. Just precious!!! I said I was only going to post one picture for Mom and Dad (and grand-parent's, aunts, uncles...) to see before I left, but I just couldn't help myself!! They were processing so quickly, I decided just to spend a little more time so you could get a good sampling of what I captured. I hope you love these pictures as much as I do...

Look at that pouty little mouth!! Don't you just want to squeeze him??
And look at all that hair...

Oh, and I couldn't leave out big brother...
I usually only take black and white pictures at a newborn session, but I just had to capture Mr. K's eyes. They are the most beautiful shade of blue!!

Thanks S and B! I'll call you when I get back from my vacation.


Wednesday, August 8, 2007


I will be out of town from Friday, August 10 until Sunday, August 19. I will have no internet access and very limited cell coverage. I will return all calls and emails on the 20th. Have a great week!


Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Lost Tooth...

This has to be the most anticipated moment in W's life up to this point. He absolutely could not WAIT to loose his first tooth. As the old saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words... Great job dude. You finally got it! Now if I could just convince Miss L that she is going to have to wait a while longer.

Thursday, August 2, 2007


I finally got some girls to photograph today! It seems I've been over run with boys lately. I had a blast! Moms and Dads---you might want to seriously consider some bars for your daughter's windows ;-)

Until next time
