Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Another tween...

Introducing Mr. J. He was a really hard nut to crack. I thought I'd never get past the "say cheese" face. Kids these days are so programmed to do it, they look at me funny when I tell them, "don't say cheese". I finally had to tell him my silliest joke---I have 6 toes...
Not really, but it sure made him laugh!!!

I always like to take a few shots with a serious face. I just love the emotion a serious face can evoke in a photograph. Mr. J is the master. I've never had a tween give me such a wonderful expression. Are you sure you've never done any modeling???

Until next time


Monday, July 30, 2007


It is so refreshing to photograph a teenager after a week of toddlers. There's no running, chasing, sweating... ;-)

The only problem??? Getting past that fake "say cheese" smile. But once I do, the true personality comes shining through...

Would you believe he told me he takes terrible pictures?? T, I don't know who told you that, but they were lying!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

New Website...

My new website should be going live in the next 48 hours or so. If you currently have proofs, I will be calling when the new site is up to explain how to order. Thank you for your patience while I transition to my FABULOUS new website!!


Wednesday, July 25, 2007

My little buddy...

Summer time always brings me little boys in overalls with no shirts---this is my second one this week-and you know what??? I LOVE it. They are so stinkin' cute!!! I had a short 15 minute session with Mr. N, this afternoon---buddy, you are an absolute doll. I know your granny and paw paw are going to love these. Mom, I think I got a couple more winners for ya. But for now, enjoy these two...

Love, love, LOVE that crooked little smile...don't you just want to squeeze him?

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

New Look!

The blog has gotten a face lift. And, guess what...The website is getting a face lift too!! I expect my new site to be up and running in a week or so. It has a much more user friendly interface for my wonderful customers. I know you're all going to love it!

More on the new site soon...


Isn't my new banner boy just the cutest???

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Simply beautiful...

This big brother is in LOVE with his baby sister!!!

These are my favorite two pictures from the entire shoot!

Thanks again T!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Just a quick note...

I will be out of town Thursday July 19 and Friday July 20. I will return phone calls and emails next week.


Wednesday, July 18, 2007

What fun!!!

It doesn't get much more fun than this little guy! L, I know you're anxious to see all your proofs since you weren't able to be at the shoot. I'll get them finished soon. For now, here's a sampling...

What a HAM!! He struck this pose all on his own--does it get any cuter than this???

We did a LOT of running! There wasn't a dry thread on me by the time the shoot was over. I had so much fun chasing Mr. J!!!

All I can say is, I'm glad I don't have to decide which ones to get! Thanks L!!!

Monday, July 16, 2007


There's no other way to describe a newborn baby. Today, I had the honor of photographing sweet miss L. Only seven days old and simply beautiful. Here's your sneak peek mom and dad (and grandma too!)...

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Sneak Peek!

What fun you guys were!!! Here's just a few to torture you until your online gallery is up and running. Thanks P and LA...

"Why do we have to walk down this stupid road again??? "

See LA---I told you he wasn't too fast!!!

Friday, July 13, 2007

Q T Pie!!!

My, my my, how you have grown since our last session!!! Thanks, B, for letting me take your pictures again. Here's a sneak peek!!!